Friday, September 25, 2015

Parshat Ha'azinu

Parshat Ha'azinu is the song that Moshe did sing,
These were his final words of parting,
With a description of Hashem's kindness the song does begin,
But it predicts that eventually the Jews wouldn't listen.

It continues with the evil that Hashem will send,
But the song closes by saying that the Jews will rejoice in the end,
In the Beit Hamikdash during the Musaf offering,
The Levites sang Ha'azinu although it speaks of our suffering.

Into six parts the song was divided,
Each week one part was recited,
The parts sung on week one, two, and six, were indeed inspiring,
But what about the weeks in between, which speak of suffering?

The point of all the songs was to bring joy,
Why would they sing words which would bring feelings of "oy,"
How would singing the sad parts,
Uplift the Jewish people's hearts?

When the Levites sang the bitter parts of the song,
They were teaching us how to cope when things go wrong,
When tragedy strikes, to our faith we must hold,
We need to patiently wait for the song to unfold.

There will be days that the song we won't hear playing in our ears,
There will be days that we will shed tears,
But the hard times are one stanza of a larger song for sure,
We must come back the next week to hear more!

When we are tested we grow,
Our commitment to Hashem we show,
No matter what life brings we know that we are in middle of a song,
We will discover that even during the hard times there was music all along.

Souvenir: music pencil

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by
    "The Music of the Song"
    by Rabbi Menachem Feldman
