Sunday, July 19, 2015

Parshat Masei

In Parshat Masei it does say,
That if a person killed by mistake he can run away,
To a city of refuge where he wouldn't have to worry,
From relatives who would want to take revenge in a hurry.

Every community had the responsibility,
To make sure the signs were marked clearly,
So that a person who was running away,
Would have an easy time finding the way.

There are 613 Mitzvot in all,
For winter, spring, summer or fall,
Some Mitzvot only apply when the Beit Hamikdash did stand,
Other Mitzvot only apply in the holy land.

Some Mitzvot, only apply to men,
Other Mitzvot were given to women,
But there are 6 Mitzvot that are unique,
They apply to every Jew, in every place, every day of the week.

When we sin by mistake, we also need to run,
To a city of refuge, until we become,
Connected to Hashem once more,
The gates of Teshuvah are always open for sure.

Six cities the Torah does mention,
Six spiritual cities, strengthens our connection,
To be close to Hashem is our intention,
The cities of refuge are a place for introspection.

The 6 spiritual cities are,
6 constant Mitzvot, that accompany us wether we are near or far,
To believe in Hashem and fear him too,
To love Hashem, because He loves me and you!

So if you ever fall don't despair,
Hashem is truly everywhere,
Although it sometimes seems that Hashem does hide,
He is really always at your side.

When you keep this in mind,
You will find,
A sense of security,
You will feel safe and happy!

There is one more thing that we are told,
Make sure that there is a clear sign at the fork of every road,
The best sign that there could be,
Is giving people the opportunity, for Torah study!

Souvenir: signpost

1 comment:

  1. This poem was inspired by
    "Six Steps to Finding Your Inner Refuge"
    by Chana Weisberg
