Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Parshat Naso

In Parshat Naso it does say,
That if a husband suspects that his wife did stray,
He brings her to the Beit Hamikdash right away,
Her loyalty is tested on that day.

Hashem's name is written on a parchment with ink,
It is placed in a cup of water which she must drink,
If she is guilty her death is imminent,
She is blessed with beautiful children if she is innocent.

Why would Hashem agree,
To have his name erased totally?
Hashem agrees wholeheartedly,
Because a Jewish marriage is so holy.

There is nothing greater in life,
Then bringing peace between a husband and wife,
Because a marriage joins two halves of one soul together,
We must do all we can to make a marriage last forever.

From this portion we learn a marriage tip,
Every day, one needs to work on their relationship,
There are three P's to keep the peace,
So that a loving relationship will only increase.

If one is upset at their spouse they should not respond right away,
They should take a PAUSE, before something they say,
They should look at the situation from another PERSPECTIVE,
Giving the benefit of the doubt, is much more affective.

The most important thing to remember,
Is that a spouse is a treasure,
Because a spouse is a PART,
Of a person's soul and heart.

Souvenir: peace sign bracelet

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Shavuot Poem

On Shavuot, the Jews received the Torah at last,
When Moshe went up to heaven, the angels said, "Not so fast!"
The Torah has a view,
On real estate too!

A man must offer to sell his land to his neighbor,
Before selling it to a stranger,
Because buying land from a neighbor is an opportunity,
That doesn't come by so easily.

The angels were the Torah's neighbor,
Moshe was the stranger,
Since they are closer to Hashem,
The angels felt that the Torah should belong to them,

To answer the angels, Moshe was told,
Let us see how the debate could unfold,
The Torah is not a piece of land, Moshe could say,
But the angels could refute it right away.

The reason that land is singled out from all the rest,
Is because it can not be moved, its location makes it the best,
Even if you shop around,
The advantage of buying land next door can not be found.

Torah is singled out from all the moveable objects in the store,
Because it can not be manufactured in China or Singapore,
For objects that can be moved you can shop around,
But another Torah can not be found.

The angels could claim,
That a neighbor's land and Torah are the same,
Because they are both unique, the angels could be sure,
That the Torah would remain in heaven like before.

There is an amazing law that does say,
That if a neighbor wants the land to plant today,
And a stranger wants the land to build a home right away,
Then the stranger is the one who gets his way.

To the angels, Moshe's response was clear,
Did Hashem take you out of Egypt this year?
Is refraining from idol worship a challenge for you?
Do you have parents to honor and listen to?

In this physical world things are not black and white,
We have an evil inclination to fight,
But when we overcome our challenges and do what is right,
We build a home for Hashem and reach the greatest height.

The Torah has to be in a world so low,
Because this is where Hashem wants His home to go,
This is how we fulfill our mission,
And realize Hashem's desire and vision.

Building a home for Hashem is our priority,
We received the Torah for this purpose specifically,
On Shavuot the Torah is given anew to every Jew,
Because we are all part of Hashem's construction crew.

Souvenir: blue resin torah

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Parshat Bamidbar

There once was a puzzle piece with a beautiful design,
He lived in a box with many other pieces so fine,
The puzzle belonged to a girl of three,
She loved her puzzle dearly.

The pieces the girl would often count,
To make sure she had the right amount,
The little puzzle piece didn't want to be counted with all the rest,
It said, "I'm an individual, I want to shine and be the best."

The girl said to the puzzle piece,
"When you are counted with the rest your value does increase,
Yes, you have much talent and a magnificent design,
But when the puzzle is complete that is when you really shine."

In Parshat Bamidbar, Hashem gives a command,
The Jews should be counted, their total would be grand,
Since Hashem knows everything,
What is the point of this counting?

Hashem wanted the Jews to be counted for our sake,
There is a point that Hashem wants to make,
When things are counted together with care,
A common denominator they must share.

Our common denominator is that we all have a Neshama flame,
From the soul perspective, we are all the same,
On the outside we are different from each other,
But in the inside we are all part of one another.

Each individual person is necessary for sure,
When connected together we can accomplish so much more,
To create a beautiful puzzle is our goal,
Every Jew is an important part of the whole.

My personality I don't need to ignore,
By being counted my individuality is enhanced even more,
I am not just a number, on the contrary,
I am part of Hashem's family.

Souvenir: puzzle piece